Far Infrared Sauna - One Person

Far Infrared Sauna - One Person

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Relax and rejuvenate your body. TheraSauna harnesses the power of infrared heat to help heal the body. As a result of exposure to infrared heat many ailments - including arthritis, migraine headaches, and acne - have shown improvements in clinical studies.

De-stress with Far Infrared Sauna

Many working adults today are having extremely busy and hectic lifestyle. This had resulted in many stress-induced illnesses. De-stressing or finding ways to wind down is one of the many important activities of working adults. One of the very effective ways to de-stress is by using far infrared sauna.

There are two types of sauna generally – the traditional steam sauna and the far infrared sauna. Traditional steam sauna made use of a heater, which can be wood, electrical or gas, to warm the air in the sauna. As water is pour on the rock or heating elements, steam is released. While the image of getting locked in a room full of steam certainly do not sound comfortable or fun for a lot of people, there are many benefits associated with the use of sauna.

The other type of sauna is the far infrared sauna. Far infrared sauna made use of far infrared ray to warm the body directly. It does not need any medium. Far infrared ray exists naturally in our environment. Far infrared ray is also emitted from our body. As the frequency of the far infrared ray emitted from a heater in a far infrared sauna is very close to the frequency of the natural far infrared ray of our body, it is very beneficial for us. Far infrared ray is also able to penetrate up to 4cm of our body for effective heating and detoxification.

Compared to the traditional steam sauna, far infrared sauna room do not produce steam and certainly is definitely a more relaxing environment. A person can sit comfortably in a far infrared sauna room. Most far infrared sauna session last 30 minutes but you can use it for as long as you feel comfortable. Many use it three times a week. Again, there is no fixed rules and you should let your body adjust to the sauna session gradually.

Within days of starting your regular sauna session, you will find that you will be able get better sleep, have more energy and always feel refreshed. The benefits of using a far infrared sauna is also long-term, meaning that you will continue to look and feel healthier.

Far infrared sauna is also easier to be set up for immediate use. With the traditional steam sauna, you would have to wait for half and hour or more for the heater to warm up. With a far infrared sauna, it only takes 5 minutes. You can also install your own in-house entertainment system within a far infrared sauna room. It is definitely very relaxing as you listen to your favourite CD while doing your sauna.

Besides helping you to de-stress and relax, far infrared sauna also provides you with many more therapeutic sauna benefits. To start off, far infrared heat is a form of energy that promotes healing.

You can also use far infrared sauna to burn more calories. You can burn up to 600 of calories in a 30-minute sauna session. Compare this with other form of physical exercise – swimming (300 calories), jogging (300), tennis (265), cycling (225), golfing (150) and marathon running (593 calories). There are also some weight loss experts that claimed that fats are necessary to dilute toxins. As someone who uses far infrared sauna often, you will not have much toxin accumulated in your body, and hence, it is a great way to get rid of fat as well.

Far infrared sauna had proved to be excellent for increasing blood circulation to the skin. It is therefore not surprising to find yourself having glowing skin when you start using sauna. It will also help to improve conditions of acne and other types of skin lesions and cuts. It will also improve skin tone and elasticity. You will only need three or four sauna sessions to open pores that have been closed for years, forcing out clogging cosmetics and loosening dry outer skin, all without pain.

There are many other benefits of using far infrared sauna. The most important ones are the detoxification of our body. In addition to helping us relax, the use of far infrared sauna also have significant effect in reducing the chances of getting other illnesses that is associated with stress. Now you know how to de-stress with a far infrared sauna.

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