Far Infrared Sauna - One Person

Far Infrared Sauna - One Person

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Relax and rejuvenate your body. TheraSauna harnesses the power of infrared heat to help heal the body. As a result of exposure to infrared heat many ailments - including arthritis, migraine headaches, and acne - have shown improvements in clinical studies.

Cedar Sauna | Healthmate

One of the main considerations when purchasing a saunna is the type of wood used for the sauna. That is why the term Cedar Sauna was searched for more than 2000 times a day. Among some other related terms searched include cedar saunas, red cedar sauna, cedar infrared sauna, cedar for sauna and cedar wood sauna.

Why is the wood for the sauna cabinet so important? And, why is cedar wood sauna so popular? A sauna is a heat-generating product and therefore wood selection plays an extremely important role in sauna building. Of all wood, the Canadian Western Red Cedar wood is considered the highest quality cedar wood for the building of the inside and outside the sauna room unit.

Cedar wood was used for many uses throughout the generations and in many parts of the world. For example, the Europeans have been using cedar wood oil to help heal the sick. They also use it to prevent outbreaks of disease. The English herbalist Nicholas Culpeper had also observed that cedar wood oil was a good remedy for heart failure, coughs, shortness of breath and few other illnesses.

The Western Red Cedar wood in particular is considered a tree that is of exceptional beauty. Its uniform and fine-grained texture with palettes of warm, mellow tones ranging from light amber to deep brown makes it excellent wood to make saunas. The rich color of the Western Red Cedar is a wood that is hard duplicate using other material. In addition, the fragrance of a cedar sauna is unique and its subtle aroma is by itself very therapeutic.

Another reason why cedar makes such excellent wood for sauna is that the cedar wood produces natural oil and extracts that is a natural preservatives for the wood against attacks by insects and decay-causing fungi. This ability of the cedar sauna in fact increases with age. The Western Red Cedar is also dimensionally stable when lied flat and continues to stay straight. It has very low shrinkage property and this make it to be excellent wood for high-moisture areas such as in saunas.

Saunas made from the Western Red Cedar also have very high insulation value due to the cedar wood’s cellular structure that creates interior air spaces. This is why buildings that feature cedar panels and ceilings are warmer in the winter. This property of the cedar wood provides cedar sauna with an additional level of natural thermal insulation. Cedar saunas also have excellent sound insulation as well. This makes the cedar sauna very comfortable private and personal sauna for its users.

A sauna made from cedar is also safe for use too. So far, there has not been any unfavourable report on the use of cedar sauna from government agencies such as the U.S. EPA & World Health Organisation.

The facts stated above is the reasons why Health Mate Cedar Sauna is considered one of the most excellent saunas in the world. Healthmate uses only the highest quality Canadian Western Red Cedar finest centre-cut wood for its far infrared ray (FIR) sauna. In addition, they also directly control the entire process from raw material to the finished sauna in their own lumber mill. At the initial stage, it may not be apparent between a cedar sauna and a non-cedar sauna. However, after few years of use, this will be apparent.

The Health Mate lumber manufacturing process begins with the selection of suitable and highest quality raw material. All Canadian Western Red Cedar Wood is purchased through Health Mate’s Canadian office. The wood is then transported to their factory in Yantai, China. Only the best center-cut parts of the cedar logs are selected and then, fresh-air dried for 3 weeks. This will preserve the cedar wood’s natural state. Manual visual inspection are carried out to hand-select only clear and vertical grain cedar wood.

Another reason why the Health Mate Cedar Sauna is so highly in demand is because of its craftsmanship. They have 27 years of top craftsmanship using advanced technology. The Total Quality Management (TQM) delivers similar very high quality cedar saunas for every order.

The Healthmate Cedar Sauna is also easy to assemble without any tools. In fact, the cedar far infrared sauna can be assembled in less than 30 minutes. There is also no requirement for special wiring, plumbing or ventilation. The cedar sauna is designed as a completely portable knock-down with 6 easy to reassemble panels.

All good cedar saunas need excellent heating element and the heaters used in Health Mate cedar saunas are the patented state-of-the-art M-type far infrared heaters. This type of far infrared heater was proven to be more effective and durable compared to other far infrared heaters. The heater also has large reflecting panels which enables the distribution of far infrared heat to the entire room.

Health Mate cedar wood infrared sauna use ceramic heater core coated with incoloy. Incoloy is a metal alloy that is very effective in high temperature applications. The incoloy enables even heat distribution in the infrared heater, ensuring consistent far infrared wavelength. The housing for the infrared heaters are also designed to maximise far infrared ray generation towards the front of the sauna and minimise energy loss at the back of the sauna.

Health Mate is able to proof the effectiveness of their infrared heaters with scientific evidences and through scientific mathematical calculations.

Health Mate also has excellent customer care for purchasers of their cedar wood infrared sauna. They have a team of excellent and knowledgeable staff. They also have more customer support data compared to other sauna manufacturers and is therefore renowned as the most knowledgeable customer support department in the industry.

Health Mate develop their own Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to handle customer cares for every piece of cedar wood infrared sauna sold. These include the shipping out of cedar wood infrared sauna within 3 business days. The ERP also store all information related to every unit of cedar wood infrared sauna.

All cedar wood far infrared saunas from Health Mate comes with a lifetime warranty.

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